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Question: Kiran purchased a scooter for Tk.52000. He sold it at loss of 10%. With that money he purchased another scooter and sold it at profit of 20%. What is his overall loss profit?
Question: Kiran purchased a scooter for Tk.52000. He sold it at loss of 10%. With that money he purchased another scooter and sold it at profit of 20%. What is his overall loss profit?
Question 1: Kiran purchased a scooter for Tk.52000. He sold it at loss of 10%. With that money he purchased another scooter and sold it at profit of 20%. What is his overall loss profit?
View topic: শতকরা ও লাভ-ক্ষতি (Percentage and Profit and loss)
tk.2060 profit
tk.2560 loss
tk.1340 loss
tk.4160 profit
Source: অফিসার (ক্যাশ) নিয়োগ - ১২-১০-২০১৮
Answer: tk.4160 profit
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