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Question: A, B,C enter into partnership , A invests 3 times as much as B invest and B invests two third of what C invest. At the end of the year, profit earned is Tk. 6600. What is the share of B?
Question: A, B,C enter into partnership , A invests 3 times as much as B invest and B invests two third of what C invest. At the end of the year, profit earned is Tk. 6600. What is the share of B?
Question 1: A, B,C enter into partnership , A invests 3 times as much as B invest and B invests two third of what C invest. At the end of the year, profit earned is Tk. 6600. What is the share of B?
View topic: শতকরা ও লাভ-ক্ষতি (Percentage and Profit and loss)
Source: কর্ণফুলী গ্যাস ডিস্ট্রিবিউশন কোম্পানী লিমিটেড - সহকারী ব্যবস্থাপক (সাধারণ) (04-12-2021)
Answer: 1200
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