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Question: Eight people are planning to share equally the cost of a rental car . If one person withdraws from the arrangement and the others share equally the entire cost of the car ,then the share of each of the remaining persons will be increased by –
Question: Eight people are planning to share equally the cost of a rental car . If one person withdraws from the arrangement and the others share equally the entire cost of the car ,then the share of each of the remaining persons will be increased by –
Question 1: Eight people are planning to share equally the cost of a rental car . If one person withdraws from the arrangement and the others share equally the entire cost of the car ,then the share of each of the remaining persons will be increased by -
View topic: শতকরা ও লাভ-ক্ষতি (Percentage and Profit and loss)
Source: Jamuna Bank Ltd - Probationary Officer - 21.12.2012
Answer: 1/7
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