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Question: Solution X contains 7% (by weight) of liquid M and solution Y contains 14.5% (by weight) of liquid M. If 3 grams of solution X is mixed with 2 grams of solution Y, then liquid M accounts for what percent of the weight of the resulting solution?
Question: Solution X contains 7% (by weight) of liquid M and solution Y contains 14.5% (by weight) of liquid M. If 3 grams of solution X is mixed with 2 grams of solution Y, then liquid M accounts for what percent of the weight of the resulting solution?
Question 1: Solution X contains 7% (by weight) of liquid M and solution Y contains 14.5% (by weight) of liquid M. If 3 grams of solution X is mixed with 2 grams of solution Y, then liquid M accounts for what percent of the weight of the resulting solution?
View topic: শতকরা ও লাভ-ক্ষতি (Percentage and Profit and loss)
Source: Dutch-Bangla Bank Ltd - Probationary Officer - 29.07.2011
Answer: 0.1
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