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Question: The sum of principal and simple interest of a certain amount of money would be Tk. 460- after 3 years from now and Tk. 500 after 5 years from now. What is the total interest rate?
Question: The sum of principal and simple interest of a certain amount of money would be Tk. 460- after 3 years from now and Tk. 500 after 5 years from now. What is the total interest rate?
Question 1: The sum of principal and simple interest of a certain amount of money would be Tk. 460- after 3 years from now and Tk. 500 after 5 years from now. What is the total interest rate?
View topic: শতকরা ও লাভ-ক্ষতি (Percentage and Profit and loss)
Source: Three Combined Bank Recruitment - Senior Officer 03 .08.2018
Answer: 0.05
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A sum of TK. 24,500 amounts to TK. 34,300 in 5 years at a simple interest rate . What is the rate of interest ?
Babu hired a labor to clean his garden for TK. 35.50. He was very happy with the cleaning and paid the labor bonus in addition to the original agreed TK. 35.50. If the bonus was more than 10 percent but less than 15 percent of the contract amount, then the total amount paid must have been between TK.
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ঈদের সময় একটি জামা নির্মাতা ২০% লাভে খুচরা বিক্রেতার কাছে বিক্রি করলো। খুচরা বিক্রেতা আবার জামাটি ক্রেতার কাছে ২০% লাভে বিক্রয় করলো। যদি ঐ জামাটির নির্মাণ খরচ ১০০ টাকা হয়, তবে খুচরা মূল্য কত টাকা?
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