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Question: A stock is currently at Tk. 40 per share. If the price increases by 20 percent and then decreases by 25 percent, what will be the new value of the share?
Question: A stock is currently at Tk. 40 per share. If the price increases by 20 percent and then decreases by 25 percent, what will be the new value of the share?
Question 1: A stock is currently at Tk. 40 per share. If the price increases by 20 percent and then decreases by 25 percent, what will be the new value of the share?
View topic: শতকরা ও লাভ-ক্ষতি (Percentage and Profit and loss)
Tk. 36
Tk. 40
Tk. 48
Tk. 30
Source: Sonali -; Janata Bank Ltd. Senior Officer (IT-ICT) 08.06.2018
Answer: Tk. 36
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