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Question: 15% monthly salary increase resulted in a Tk. 14,400 per year increase in salary for an employee. What was his monthly salary before the increase?
Question: 15% monthly salary increase resulted in a Tk. 14,400 per year increase in salary for an employee. What was his monthly salary before the increase?
Question 1: 15% monthly salary increase resulted in a Tk. 14,400 per year increase in salary for an employee. What was his monthly salary before the increase?
View topic: শতকরা ও লাভ-ক্ষতি (Percentage and Profit and loss)
Tk. 8,000
Tk. 9,000
Tk. 5,000
Tk. 12,000
Source: Trust Bank Ltd - Officer - 10.07.2009
Answer: Tk. 8,000
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