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Question: The length of rectangle is increased by 20% and the width is decreased by 20% . What is the percentage increase or decrease of the area of the rectangle .
Question: The length of rectangle is increased by 20% and the width is decreased by 20% . What is the percentage increase or decrease of the area of the rectangle .
Question 1: The length of rectangle is increased by 20% and the width is decreased by 20% . What is the percentage increase or decrease of the area of the rectangle .
View topic: শতকরা ও লাভ-ক্ষতি (Percentage and Profit and loss)
decreased by 20%
increased by 4%
decreased by 2%
remains same
Source: Pubali Bank Ltd - Junior Officer - 2005
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The compound interest on Tk, 10,000 for 4 years at 5% per annum will be approximately ----
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