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Question: Rabeya purchased a TV costing Tk. 10,000 and sold it to Sakib at 10% profit. Later Sakib sold the TV back to Rabeya at 10% loss. How much profit Rabeya made in total from both these transactions?
Question: Rabeya purchased a TV costing Tk. 10,000 and sold it to Sakib at 10% profit. Later Sakib sold the TV back to Rabeya at 10% loss. How much profit Rabeya made in total from both these transactions?
Question 1: Rabeya purchased a TV costing Tk. 10,000 and sold it to Sakib at 10% profit. Later Sakib sold the TV back to Rabeya at 10% loss. How much profit Rabeya made in total from both these transactions?
View topic: শতকরা ও লাভ-ক্ষতি (Percentage and Profit and loss)
Tk. 700
Tk. 800
Tk. 900
Tk. 1,000
Source: National Bank Ltd - Management Trainee Officer - 28.05.2010
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