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Question: A toy company sold 160 units of toys for Tk. 450 each and 120 units of toys for Tk. 300 each. If the company’s production cost of each unit of toy was Tk. 380, what was the company’s profit of loss?
Question: A toy company sold 160 units of toys for Tk. 450 each and 120 units of toys for Tk. 300 each. If the company’s production cost of each unit of toy was Tk. 380, what was the company’s profit of loss?
Question 1: A toy company sold 160 units of toys for Tk. 450 each and 120 units of toys for Tk. 300 each. If the company's production cost of each unit of toy was Tk. 380, what was the company's profit of loss?
View topic: শতকরা ও লাভ-ক্ষতি (Percentage and Profit and loss)
Tk. 1,600 loss
Tk. 1,600 profit
No profit or loss
Tk. 600 loss
Source: Trust Bank Ltd - Asst. Executive Officer - 24.12.2010
Answer: Tk. 1,600 profit
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