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Question: Arif spends 1/10 of his salary for clothing, 1/3 for food, and 1/5 for other expenses. What percentage of his salary can Arif save?
Question: Arif spends 1/10 of his salary for clothing, 1/3 for food, and 1/5 for other expenses. What percentage of his salary can Arif save?
Question 1: Arif spends 1/10 of his salary for clothing, 1/3 for food, and 1/5 for other expenses. What percentage of his salary can Arif save?
View topic: শতকরা ও লাভ-ক্ষতি (Percentage and Profit and loss)
Source: BASIC Bank Ltd - Officer - 2002
Answer: 0.3666
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The capacity of computer memory is increasing exponentially . At the same time increased capacity is becoming available at cheaper rate. Two years ago 1GB RAM cost TK. 5,000. Now 4GB Ram is available at the same price. If this trend continues what capacity of RAM will you get for TK. 5,000 after 3 years time ?
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