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Question: If 8 dozens of bananas are purchased at the rate of Taka 30 per dozen and 12 dozens are purchased at Taka 25 per dozen, what rate per dozen it should be sold to make a profit of Taka 3 per dozen?
Question: If 8 dozens of bananas are purchased at the rate of Taka 30 per dozen and 12 dozens are purchased at Taka 25 per dozen, what rate per dozen it should be sold to make a profit of Taka 3 per dozen?
Question 1: If 8 dozens of bananas are purchased at the rate of Taka 30 per dozen and 12 dozens are purchased at Taka 25 per dozen, what rate per dozen it should be sold to make a profit of Taka 3 per dozen?
View topic: শতকরা ও লাভ-ক্ষতি (Percentage and Profit and loss)
Taka 35
Taka 25
Taka 30
`Taka 40
Source: Bangladesh House Building Finance Corporation - Senior Officer - 29.07.2011
Answer: Taka 30
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