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Question: At XYZ Company, the ratio of sales to gross profit is 4:3 and the ratio of gross profit to net profit is 3:1, what is the ratio of net profits to sales?
Question: At XYZ Company, the ratio of sales to gross profit is 4:3 and the ratio of gross profit to net profit is 3:1, what is the ratio of net profits to sales?
Question 1: At XYZ Company, the ratio of sales to gross profit is 4:3 and the ratio of gross profit to net profit is 3:1, what is the ratio of net profits to sales?
View topic: শতকরা ও লাভ-ক্ষতি (Percentage and Profit and loss)
Source: Standard Bank Ltd - Management Trainee Officer - 22.01.2016
Answer: 1:4
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