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Question: Three Business partners Rahim, Sohel and Karim agree to divide their total profit for certain year in the ratios of 2:5:8, respectively. If Sohel’s profit was taka 20,000 What was the total profit of the business?
Question: Three Business partners Rahim, Sohel and Karim agree to divide their total profit for certain year in the ratios of 2:5:8, respectively. If Sohel’s profit was taka 20,000 What was the total profit of the business?
Question 1: Three Business partners Rahim, Sohel and Karim agree to divide their total profit for certain year in the ratios of 2:5:8, respectively. If Sohel's profit was taka 20,000 What was the total profit of the business?
View topic: শতকরা ও লাভ-ক্ষতি (Percentage and Profit and loss)
Taka 8,000
Taka 32,000
Taka 52,000
Taka 60,000
Source: Krishi Bank - Officer - 21.07.2017
Answer: Taka 60,000
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