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Question: By selling an item, the producer, the wholesaler and the retailer all make profits at 20%. If the item sells for Tk. 21.60 by the retailer, find the production cost of the item.
Question: By selling an item, the producer, the wholesaler and the retailer all make profits at 20%. If the item sells for Tk. 21.60 by the retailer, find the production cost of the item.
Question 1: By selling an item, the producer, the wholesaler and the retailer all make profits at 20%. If the item sells for Tk. 21.60 by the retailer, find the production cost of the item.
View topic: শতকরা ও লাভ-ক্ষতি (Percentage and Profit and loss)
Tk. 15.00
Tk. 12.50
Tk. 12.75
Tk. 15.50
Source: Rajshahi Krishi Unnayan Bank - Senior Officers - 29.09.2006
Answer: Tk. 15.00
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