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Question: If 40% of all women are voters, and 52% of the population is women, what percent of the population are women voters?
Question: If 40% of all women are voters, and 52% of the population is women, what percent of the population are women voters?
Question 1: If 40% of all women are voters, and 52% of the population is women, what percent of the population are women voters?
View topic: শতকরা ও লাভ-ক্ষতি (Percentage and Profit and loss)
Source: Commerce Bank Ltd - Officer - 2006
Answer: 20.8
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when a truck travels at 60 miles per hour, it uses 30 percent more gasoline to travel andy distance than it does when it travels at 50 miles per hour. The truck can travel 20 miles on a gallon of gas if it is travelling at 50 miles per hour. The truck has only 10 gallons of gas and is 160 miles from its destination. It takes 20 minutes for the truck to stop for gas . How long will it take the truck to reach its final destination if it is driven at 60 miles per hour?
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A motor pool has 300 vehicles of which 30% are trucks. 20% of all the vehicles in the motor pool are diesel, including 15 trucks. What percent of the motor pool is composed of vehicles that are neither trucks nor diesel?
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