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Question: A book sells for Tk. 65. This price gives the seller a profit of 30% on his cost. What will be the new selling price if he cuts his profit to 10% of its costs ?
Question: A book sells for Tk. 65. This price gives the seller a profit of 30% on his cost. What will be the new selling price if he cuts his profit to 10% of its costs ?
Question 1: A book sells for Tk. 65. This price gives the seller a profit of 30% on his cost. What will be the new selling price if he cuts his profit to 10% of its costs ?
View topic: শতকরা ও লাভ-ক্ষতি (Percentage and Profit and loss)
Source: Krishi Bank - Officer - 29.06.2007
Answer: 55
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