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Question: The product of two positive numbers is p. If each of the numbers is increased by 2, the new product is how much grater than twice the sum of the two original numbers?
Question: The product of two positive numbers is p. If each of the numbers is increased by 2, the new product is how much grater than twice the sum of the two original numbers?
Question 1: The product of two positive numbers is p. If each of the numbers is increased by 2, the new product is how much grater than twice the sum of the two original numbers?
View topic: শতকরা ও লাভ-ক্ষতি (Percentage and Profit and loss)
p times
2p times
(p+4) times
(2p + 30 times
Source: Basic bank recruitment 2018; auditor -- 26.01.2018
Answer: (p+4) times
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