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Question: Hasib took a loan of 1400 tk with simple interest for as many years as the rate of interest. If he paid 126 th as interest at the end of the loan period , what was the rate of interest?
Question: Hasib took a loan of 1400 tk with simple interest for as many years as the rate of interest. If he paid 126 th as interest at the end of the loan period , what was the rate of interest?
Question 1: Hasib took a loan of 1400 tk with simple interest for as many years as the rate of interest. If he paid 126 th as interest at the end of the loan period , what was the rate of interest?
View topic: শতকরা ও লাভ-ক্ষতি (Percentage and Profit and loss)
Source: Mercantile Bank Ltd - Management Trainee Officer - 31.07.2015
Answer: 0.03
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