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Question: The price of a DVD Player is discounted by 10 percent, and the reduced price is then discounted again by 10 percent. The series of successive discounts is equivalent to a single discount of —-
Question: The price of a DVD Player is discounted by 10 percent, and the reduced price is then discounted again by 10 percent. The series of successive discounts is equivalent to a single discount of —-
Question 1: The price of a DVD Player is discounted by 10 percent, and the reduced price is then discounted again by 10 percent. The series of successive discounts is equivalent to a single discount of ----
View topic: শতকরা ও লাভ-ক্ষতি (Percentage and Profit and loss)
Source: National Bank Ltd - Officer - 11.09.2009
Answer: 0.19
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An amount of money at simple interest amounts to TK. 815 in 3 years and to TK> 854 in 4 years. The amount is --
একজন বিক্রেতা ৩৬০০ টাকা দরে দুটি চেয়ার বিক্রয় করলো। একটিতে ২০% লাভ এবং অন্যটিতে ২০% ক্ষতি হলে সর্বমোট কত টাকা লাভ / ক্ষতি হলো?
A number is decreased by 10% and then increased by 10% . The number so obtained is 10 less than the original number. what was the original number ?
If a merchant offers a discount of 30% on the list price, then he/she makes a loss of 16% what % profit or loss will the merchant make if he/she sells at a discount of 10% of the list price?
w,x অপেক্ষা 10% কম হলে এবং y,z d অপেক্ষা 30% কম হলে wy, xz অপেক্ষা শতকরা কত কম ?
If Net Sales is Tk. 1,20,000. Net Profit is Tk. 48,000 and Average Asset is Tk. 150,000 then which of the following is the Net Profit Margin
Kiran purchased a scooter for Tk. 52000. He sold it at loss of 10% .With that money be purchased another scooter and sold it at profit of 20% What is his overall loss/ profit?
বার্ষিক ৪.৫% সুদে কত টাকা বিনিয়োগ করলে কত বছরে তা ৮২৬ টাকা হবে?
বার্ষিক মুনাফা ১২.৫% থেকে কমে ১০.৭৫% হওয়ায় জামিল সাহেবের আয় ৪ বছরে ১৮০ টাকা কমে গেছে। তার মূলধন কত টাকা ?
If the length of rectangle is increased by 30% and the width is decreased by 30%, then the area will be --
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