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Question: A car dealer sells a SUV for BDT 39,000, which represents a 25% profit over the cost . What was the cost of the SUV to the dealer ?
Question: A car dealer sells a SUV for BDT 39,000, which represents a 25% profit over the cost . What was the cost of the SUV to the dealer ?
Question 1: A car dealer sells a SUV for BDT 39,000, which represents a 25% profit over the cost . What was the cost of the SUV to the dealer ?
View topic: শতকরা ও লাভ-ক্ষতি (Percentage and Profit and loss)
BDT 29,250
BDT 31,200
BDT 32,500
BDT 33,800
Source: Pubali Bank Ltd. Recruitment Test for Senior Officer 25.06.2010
Answer: BDT 31,200
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