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Question: The charge of a room at Sheraton is 25% less than that of a room at Westin and 10% less than that of a room at Sonargaon . By what percent is the charge of a room at Westin is greater than that of Sonargaon ?
Question: The charge of a room at Sheraton is 25% less than that of a room at Westin and 10% less than that of a room at Sonargaon . By what percent is the charge of a room at Westin is greater than that of Sonargaon ?
Question 1: The charge of a room at Sheraton is 25% less than that of a room at Westin and 10% less than that of a room at Sonargaon . By what percent is the charge of a room at Westin is greater than that of Sonargaon ?
View topic: শতকরা ও লাভ-ক্ষতি (Percentage and Profit and loss)
Source: Dutch-Bangla Bank Ltd - Assistant Officer - 09.10.2009
Answer: 0.2
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Of the total no. of oranges that arrive at a juice company, 20% by weight is rejected before processing. Of the oranges that are processed, 15% by weight is rejected before being juiced. Of the oranges that are juiced, 25% are wasted as a result of juice making . Of the oranges, those arrive at the company, what percent by weight is juiced?
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