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Question: Of the total amount that Jill spent on a shopping trip, excluding taxes, she spent 50% on clothing 20% on food, and 30% on other items. If Jill paids 4% tax on clothing , on tax on the food, and an 8% tax on all other items, then the total tax that she paid was what percent of the total amount that she spent, excluding taxes?
Question: Of the total amount that Jill spent on a shopping trip, excluding taxes, she spent 50% on clothing 20% on food, and 30% on other items. If Jill paids 4% tax on clothing , on tax on the food, and an 8% tax on all other items, then the total tax that she paid was what percent of the total amount that she spent, excluding taxes?
Question 1: Of the total amount that Jill spent on a shopping trip, excluding taxes, she spent 50% on clothing 20% on food, and 30% on other items. If Jill paids 4% tax on clothing , on tax on the food, and an 8% tax on all other items, then the total tax that she paid was what percent of the total amount that she spent, excluding taxes?
View topic: শতকরা ও লাভ-ক্ষতি (Percentage and Profit and loss)
None of these
Source: One Bank Ltd - Special Cadre Officer - 01.04.2017
Answer: 0.044
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