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Question: Mathematically Forc (F) is proportionate to Mass (m) multiplied by Acceleration (a) ; i.e symbolically , F ∞m.a. If an object increases its acceleration by 10% and loses 5% of its mass, by how much will the resultant force change?
Question: Mathematically Forc (F) is proportionate to Mass (m) multiplied by Acceleration (a) ; i.e symbolically , F ∞m.a. If an object increases its acceleration by 10% and loses 5% of its mass, by how much will the resultant force change?
Question 1: Mathematically Forc (F) is proportionate to Mass (m) multiplied by Acceleration (a) ; i.e symbolically , F ∞m.a. If an object increases its acceleration by 10% and loses 5% of its mass, by how much will the resultant force change?
View topic: শতকরা ও লাভ-ক্ষতি (Percentage and Profit and loss)
Increase by 5%
Decrease by 5%
Increase by 4.5%
Decrease by 4.5%
Source: Standard Bank Ltd - Officer - 2006
Answer: Increase by 4.5%
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