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Question: DHL charges Tk 2 for each pound for the first 20 pounds of package weight and Tk 1.5 for each pound or fraction of a pound over 20 pounds. How much will it charge to carry a package which weights 47/2 pounds?
Question: DHL charges Tk 2 for each pound for the first 20 pounds of package weight and Tk 1.5 for each pound or fraction of a pound over 20 pounds. How much will it charge to carry a package which weights 47/2 pounds?
Question 1: DHL charges Tk 2 for each pound for the first 20 pounds of package weight and Tk 1.5 for each pound or fraction of a pound over 20 pounds. How much will it charge to carry a package which weights 47/2 pounds?
View topic: ভগ্নাংশ (Fraction)
Tk 46
Tk 45
Tk 47
Tk 8
Source: Forest Industries Development Corporation - Asst. Manager - 02.08.2013
Answer: Tk 46
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