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Question: Equal amounts of water were poured into two empty jars of different capacities, which made one jar 1/4 full and the other jar 1/3 full. If the water in the jar with the lesser capacity is then poured into the jar with the greater capacity, what fraction of the larger jar will be filled with water?
Question: Equal amounts of water were poured into two empty jars of different capacities, which made one jar 1/4 full and the other jar 1/3 full. If the water in the jar with the lesser capacity is then poured into the jar with the greater capacity, what fraction of the larger jar will be filled with water?
Question 1: Equal amounts of water were poured into two empty jars of different capacities, which made one jar 1/4 full and the other jar 1/3 full. If the water in the jar with the lesser capacity is then poured into the jar with the greater capacity, what fraction of the larger jar will be filled with water?
View topic: ভগ্নাংশ (Fraction)
Source: First Security Islami Bank Ltd - Probationary Officer - 17.07.2009
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