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Question: Four liters of milk are to be poured into a 2 liter bottle and a 4 liter bottle . If each bottle is to be filled to the same fraction of its capacity, how many liters of milk should be poured into the 4 liter bottle?
Question: Four liters of milk are to be poured into a 2 liter bottle and a 4 liter bottle . If each bottle is to be filled to the same fraction of its capacity, how many liters of milk should be poured into the 4 liter bottle?
Question 1: Four liters of milk are to be poured into a 2 liter bottle and a 4 liter bottle . If each bottle is to be filled to the same fraction of its capacity, how many liters of milk should be poured into the 4 liter bottle?
View topic: ভগ্নাংশ (Fraction)
Source: Probashi kallyan bank - officer ( cash) - 12.01.2018
Answer: 45141
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