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Question: If the value of X and Y in the fraction XZ/Y are both tripled , how does the value of the fraction change ?
Question: If the value of X and Y in the fraction XZ/Y are both tripled , how does the value of the fraction change ?
Question 1: If the value of X and Y in the fraction XZ/Y are both tripled , how does the value of the fraction change ?
View topic: ভগ্নাংশ (Fraction)
increases by one third
remains the same
Source: City Bank Ltd - Probationary Officer - 02.12.2011
Answer: remains the same
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At a college football game, 4/5 of the seats in the lower deck of the stadium were sold. If one-fourth of all the seats in the stadium were located in the lower deck, and if 2/3 of all the seats in the stadium were sold, what fraction of the unsold seats in the stadium were in the lower deck?
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