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Question: A worker earns Tk. 250 on the first day and spends tk. 200 on the second day, earns Tk. 250 on the third day and again spends Tk. 200 on the fourth day and so no. On which day would he have had Tk. 1000?
Question: A worker earns Tk. 250 on the first day and spends tk. 200 on the second day, earns Tk. 250 on the third day and again spends Tk. 200 on the fourth day and so no. On which day would he have had Tk. 1000?
Question 1: A worker earns Tk. 250 on the first day and spends tk. 200 on the second day, earns Tk. 250 on the third day and again spends Tk. 200 on the fourth day and so no. On which day would he have had Tk. 1000?
View topic: বিবিধ সমস্যা (Miscellaneous Problem)
20th day
30th day
31th day
40th day
Source: বাংলাদেশ ব্যাংক - অফিসার (ক্যাশ) (21-07-2023)
Answer: 31th day
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