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Question: A boat sailing against a stream of river takes 6 hours to travel 24 kms, while sailing with the stream it takes 4 hours to travel the same distance. What is the speed of the stream?
Question: A boat sailing against a stream of river takes 6 hours to travel 24 kms, while sailing with the stream it takes 4 hours to travel the same distance. What is the speed of the stream?
Question 1: A boat sailing against a stream of river takes 6 hours to travel 24 kms, while sailing with the stream it takes 4 hours to travel the same distance. What is the speed of the stream?
View topic: বিবিধ সমস্যা (Miscellaneous Problem)
1 km/hr
2 km/hr
1.5 km/hr
Source: NRBC BANK - PO-TAO (16-06-2023)
Answer: 1 km/hr
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