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Question: In 1990, Hotel Seagull earned TK. 5 million in tourist revenue. By 2000, tourist revenue doubled and in 2010, it reached the sum TK. 20 million. Each of the following , if true , may explain the trend in tourist revenue except :
Question: In 1990, Hotel Seagull earned TK. 5 million in tourist revenue. By 2000, tourist revenue doubled and in 2010, it reached the sum TK. 20 million. Each of the following , if true , may explain the trend in tourist revenue except :
Question 1: In 1990, Hotel Seagull earned TK. 5 million in tourist revenue. By 2000, tourist revenue doubled and in 2010, it reached the sum TK. 20 million. Each of the following , if true , may explain the trend in tourist revenue except :
View topic: বিবিধ সমস্যা (Miscellaneous Problem)
The number of total hotel rooms has increased
The number of tourist has increased from 1990 to 2010
Average stay per tourist has increased
The average price of tourist services has increased
Source: Bangladesh Bank - Assistant Director - 2011
Answer: The number of total hotel rooms has increased
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