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Question: Lamp A is less bright than Lamp B; Lamp B is less brighter than Lamp C; Lamp C is as bright as Lamp D. Lamp B is brighter than Lamp D and Lamp D is brighter than Lamp A. Which lamp is the brightest ?
Question: Lamp A is less bright than Lamp B; Lamp B is less brighter than Lamp C; Lamp C is as bright as Lamp D. Lamp B is brighter than Lamp D and Lamp D is brighter than Lamp A. Which lamp is the brightest ?
Question 1: Lamp A is less bright than Lamp B; Lamp B is less brighter than Lamp C; Lamp C is as bright as Lamp D. Lamp B is brighter than Lamp D and Lamp D is brighter than Lamp A. Which lamp is the brightest ?
View topic: বিবিধ সমস্যা (Miscellaneous Problem)
Lamp A
Lamp B
Lamp C
Lamp D
Source: Bangladesh Bank - Assistant Director - 2013
Answer: Lamp B
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