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Question: Babu bought two varieties of pulse, costing Tk. 50 and Tk. 60 per Kg. each, and mixed them in some ratio. He then sold the mixture at Tk. 70 per kg., making a profit of 20 percent. What was the ratio of the mixture?
Question: Babu bought two varieties of pulse, costing Tk. 50 and Tk. 60 per Kg. each, and mixed them in some ratio. He then sold the mixture at Tk. 70 per kg., making a profit of 20 percent. What was the ratio of the mixture?
Question 1: Babu bought two varieties of pulse, costing Tk. 50 and Tk. 60 per Kg. each, and mixed them in some ratio. He then sold the mixture at Tk. 70 per kg., making a profit of 20 percent. What was the ratio of the mixture?
View topic: বিবিধ সমস্যা (Miscellaneous Problem)
1 : 10
1 : 5
Source: বাপেক্স - সহকারী ব্যবস্থাপক (27-01-2023)
Answer: 1 : 5
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