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Question: Salam earns Tk. 8.50 per hour on days other than Friday and twice the rate on Friday. Last week he worked a total of 50 hours including 8 hours on Friday. What is his earning for the week?
Question: Salam earns Tk. 8.50 per hour on days other than Friday and twice the rate on Friday. Last week he worked a total of 50 hours including 8 hours on Friday. What is his earning for the week?
Question 1: Salam earns Tk. 8.50 per hour on days other than Friday and twice the rate on Friday. Last week he worked a total of 50 hours including 8 hours on Friday. What is his earning for the week?
View topic: বিবিধ সমস্যা (Miscellaneous Problem)
Tk. 340
Tk. 398
Tk. 408
Tk. 493
Source: সমন্বিত ৮ ব্যাংক ও ১ টি আর্থিক প্রতিষ্ঠান - সিনিয়র অফিসার (সাধারণ) (20-01-2023)
Answer: Tk. 493
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