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Question: City B is 8 miles east of City A. City C is 6 miles north of City B. City D is 16 miles east of City C and City E is 12 miles north of City D. What is the distance from City A to City E?
Question: City B is 8 miles east of City A. City C is 6 miles north of City B. City D is 16 miles east of City C and City E is 12 miles north of City D. What is the distance from City A to City E?
Question 1: City B is 8 miles east of City A. City C is 6 miles north of City B. City D is 16 miles east of City C and City E is 12 miles north of City D. What is the distance from City A to City E?
View topic: বিবিধ সমস্যা (Miscellaneous Problem)
10 miles
20 miles
24 miles
30 miles
Source: Sonali, Janata, Agrani -; Rupali Bank Ltd. -; RAKUB Officer Recruitment 28.03.2008
Answer: 30 miles
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