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Question: At a stationary shop, it costs Tk. 185 for 4 gel-pen, 8 ball -point pens and 1 marker pen and Tk. 315 for 7 gel-pens, 15 ball point pens and 1 marker pen. What would be the cost of 1 gel-pen, 1 ball -point pen and 1 marker pen?
Question: At a stationary shop, it costs Tk. 185 for 4 gel-pen, 8 ball -point pens and 1 marker pen and Tk. 315 for 7 gel-pens, 15 ball point pens and 1 marker pen. What would be the cost of 1 gel-pen, 1 ball -point pen and 1 marker pen?
Question 1: At a stationary shop, it costs Tk. 185 for 4 gel-pen, 8 ball -point pens and 1 marker pen and Tk. 315 for 7 gel-pens, 15 ball point pens and 1 marker pen. What would be the cost of 1 gel-pen, 1 ball -point pen and 1 marker pen?
View topic: বিবিধ সমস্যা (Miscellaneous Problem)
Tk. 45
Tk. 55
Source: বাংলাদেশ ব্যাংক - সহকারী পরিচালক 28-10-2022
Answer: Tk. 55
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