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Question: A certain bakery ran a promoion: a customer can but x donuts for the regular price of Tk.15 total and get 3 donuts free. If the donut price per dozen during the promotion is Tk 2 less than the normal donut price per dozen, what is the value of x?
Question: A certain bakery ran a promoion: a customer can but x donuts for the regular price of Tk.15 total and get 3 donuts free. If the donut price per dozen during the promotion is Tk 2 less than the normal donut price per dozen, what is the value of x?
Question 1: A certain bakery ran a promoion: a customer can but x donuts for the regular price of Tk.15 total and get 3 donuts free. If the donut price per dozen during the promotion is Tk 2 less than the normal donut price per dozen, what is the value of x?
View topic: বিবিধ সমস্যা (Miscellaneous Problem)
Source: সিজিডিএফ - অডিটর 21-01-2022
Answer: 15
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