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Question: As a salesperson, Poly can choose one of two methods of annual payment either an annual salary of Tk. 35,000 with no commission or an annual salary of Tk. 10,000 plus a 20 percent commission on her total annual sales. What must her total annual sales be to give her the same annual pay with either method?
Question: As a salesperson, Poly can choose one of two methods of annual payment either an annual salary of Tk. 35,000 with no commission or an annual salary of Tk. 10,000 plus a 20 percent commission on her total annual sales. What must her total annual sales be to give her the same annual pay with either method?
Question 1: As a salesperson, Poly can choose one of two methods of annual payment either an annual salary of Tk. 35,000 with no commission or an annual salary of Tk. 10,000 plus a 20 percent commission on her total annual sales. What must her total annual sales be to give her the same annual pay with either method?
View topic: বিবিধ সমস্যা (Miscellaneous Problem)
Tk. 120,000
Tk. 125,000
Tk. 130,000
Source: সমন্বিত ৯ ব্যাংক - 07-01-2022
Answer: Tk. 125,000
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