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Question: One thousand shares of Luis Inc. Were purchased at Tk. 8.75 per share. The share price rose 215% in the first year after purchase, dropped 40% in the second year, and then dropped another 20% in the third year. What is the price per share at the end of the third year?
Question: One thousand shares of Luis Inc. Were purchased at Tk. 8.75 per share. The share price rose 215% in the first year after purchase, dropped 40% in the second year, and then dropped another 20% in the third year. What is the price per share at the end of the third year?
Question 1: One thousand shares of Luis Inc. Were purchased at Tk. 8.75 per share. The share price rose 215% in the first year after purchase, dropped 40% in the second year, and then dropped another 20% in the third year. What is the price per share at the end of the third year?
View topic: বিবিধ সমস্যা (Miscellaneous Problem)
Tk. 13.23
Tk. 8.75
Tk. 7.00
Tk. 8.25
Source: Mercantile Bank Ltd - Officer - 24.04.2009
Answer: Tk. 13.23
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