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Question: One pipe can fill a pool in 6 hours, and a second pipe can fill the same pool in 12 hours. If both pipes work together, how long will it take to fill the pool?
Question: One pipe can fill a pool in 6 hours, and a second pipe can fill the same pool in 12 hours. If both pipes work together, how long will it take to fill the pool?
Question 1: One pipe can fill a pool in 6 hours, and a second pipe can fill the same pool in 12 hours. If both pipes work together, how long will it take to fill the pool?
View topic: বিবিধ সমস্যা (Miscellaneous Problem)
3 hours
3.5 hours
4 hours
4.5 hours
Source: Dhaka Bank Ltd - MTO - 2003
Answer: 4 hours
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