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Question: You are to arrange 36 identical chairs in rows such that there is same number of chairs in each row. Each row must contain at least 4 chairs and there must be at least 3 rows. How many different arrangements are possible?
Question: You are to arrange 36 identical chairs in rows such that there is same number of chairs in each row. Each row must contain at least 4 chairs and there must be at least 3 rows. How many different arrangements are possible?
Question 1: You are to arrange 36 identical chairs in rows such that there is same number of chairs in each row. Each row must contain at least 4 chairs and there must be at least 3 rows. How many different arrangements are possible?
View topic: বিবিধ সমস্যা (Miscellaneous Problem)
Source: Southeast Bank Ltd - Officer - 17.04.2009
Answer: 4
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