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Question: An empty pool is being filled with water at a constant rate, 3/5th of the pool has filled in 7 hours. How much more time will it take to completely fill the pool?
Question: An empty pool is being filled with water at a constant rate, 3/5th of the pool has filled in 7 hours. How much more time will it take to completely fill the pool?
Question 1: An empty pool is being filled with water at a constant rate, 3/5th of the pool has filled in 7 hours. How much more time will it take to completely fill the pool?
View topic: বিবিধ সমস্যা (Miscellaneous Problem)
5 hours 20 minutes
4 hours 40 minutes
4 hours 20 minutes
2 hours 48 minutes
Source: Standard Bank Ltd - Officer - 2006
Answer: 4 hours 40 minutes
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