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Question: Zakir plans to visit an Art gallery once in every month of 2011 except for November and December when he plans to visit three times in each of those months. A single admission costs Tk. 5.50 , a pass valid for unlimited visits in any 3-month period can be purchased for Rk 27 , and annual pass costs Tk 80. what is the least amount that Zakir can spend for his intended number of visits?
Question: Zakir plans to visit an Art gallery once in every month of 2011 except for November and December when he plans to visit three times in each of those months. A single admission costs Tk. 5.50 , a pass valid for unlimited visits in any 3-month period can be purchased for Rk 27 , and annual pass costs Tk 80. what is the least amount that Zakir can spend for his intended number of visits?
Question 1: Zakir plans to visit an Art gallery once in every month of 2011 except for November and December when he plans to visit three times in each of those months. A single admission costs Tk. 5.50 , a pass valid for unlimited visits in any 3-month period can be purchased for Rk 27 , and annual pass costs Tk 80. what is the least amount that Zakir can spend for his intended number of visits?
View topic: বিবিধ সমস্যা (Miscellaneous Problem)
Tk 70
Tk 75
Tk 76.50
Tk 80
Source: Trust Bank Ltd - Assistant Officer - 30.03.2012
Answer: Tk 76.50
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