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Question: An ice cream parlour makes an ice cream using one of six different flavors of ice cream, one of three different flavor of syrup, and one of four different toppings. what is the total number of different ice creams that this ice cream paolour can make?
Question: An ice cream parlour makes an ice cream using one of six different flavors of ice cream, one of three different flavor of syrup, and one of four different toppings. what is the total number of different ice creams that this ice cream paolour can make?
Question 1: An ice cream parlour makes an ice cream using one of six different flavors of ice cream, one of three different flavor of syrup, and one of four different toppings. what is the total number of different ice creams that this ice cream paolour can make?
View topic: বিবিধ সমস্যা (Miscellaneous Problem)
Source: Trust Bank Ltd - Assistant Officer - 14.01.2011
Answer: 72
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