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Question: Tanveer earns Tk. 5.00 for every hour he works . Last weeks worked for x hours. He purchased y kg of rice. Price of per kg rice is Tk. 12.00. He saved the remaining amount. which expression below shows his savings?
Question: Tanveer earns Tk. 5.00 for every hour he works . Last weeks worked for x hours. He purchased y kg of rice. Price of per kg rice is Tk. 12.00. He saved the remaining amount. which expression below shows his savings?
Question 1: Tanveer earns Tk. 5.00 for every hour he works . Last weeks worked for x hours. He purchased y kg of rice. Price of per kg rice is Tk. 12.00. He saved the remaining amount. which expression below shows his savings?
View topic: বিবিধ সমস্যা (Miscellaneous Problem)
Tk. ( 5.00x +12.00y)
Tk. (5.00 x - 12.00y)
Tk. 5.00 (x-y)
Tk. 7.00 (xy)
Source: Trust Bank Ltd - Assistant Officer - 14.01.2011
Answer: Tk. (5.00 x - 12.00y)
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