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Question: In a library , of the books standing in a row on a shelf ,an atlas is the 30th book from the left and the 33rd book from the right . If 2 books will be left of the atlas and 4 books to the right of the atlas are removed from the shelf , how many books will be left on the shelf?
Question: In a library , of the books standing in a row on a shelf ,an atlas is the 30th book from the left and the 33rd book from the right . If 2 books will be left of the atlas and 4 books to the right of the atlas are removed from the shelf , how many books will be left on the shelf?
Question 1: In a library , of the books standing in a row on a shelf ,an atlas is the 30th book from the left and the 33rd book from the right . If 2 books will be left of the atlas and 4 books to the right of the atlas are removed from the shelf , how many books will be left on the shelf?
View topic: বিবিধ সমস্যা (Miscellaneous Problem)
Source: Jamuna Bank Ltd - Probationary Officer - 17.01.2014
Answer: 56
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