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Question: Sabuz earns 10 Taka for each ticket that he sells and a bonus of 2 Taka per ticket for each ticket he sells beyond the first 100 tickets. If Sabuz was paid 2,800 Taka last month, how many tickets did he sell?
Question: Sabuz earns 10 Taka for each ticket that he sells and a bonus of 2 Taka per ticket for each ticket he sells beyond the first 100 tickets. If Sabuz was paid 2,800 Taka last month, how many tickets did he sell?
Question 1: Sabuz earns 10 Taka for each ticket that he sells and a bonus of 2 Taka per ticket for each ticket he sells beyond the first 100 tickets. If Sabuz was paid 2,800 Taka last month, how many tickets did he sell?
View topic: বিবিধ সমস্যা (Miscellaneous Problem)
Source: পায়রা বন্দর কর্তৃপক্ষ (বিভিন্ন পদ) 06-11-2020
Answer: 250
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