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Question: A wire that weight 24 kilogram is cut into two pieces so that one of these two pieces weigh 16 kilogram and is 34 meter long. If the weight of each piece is proportional to its length , how long is the other piece ?
Question: A wire that weight 24 kilogram is cut into two pieces so that one of these two pieces weigh 16 kilogram and is 34 meter long. If the weight of each piece is proportional to its length , how long is the other piece ?
Question 1: A wire that weight 24 kilogram is cut into two pieces so that one of these two pieces weigh 16 kilogram and is 34 meter long. If the weight of each piece is proportional to its length , how long is the other piece ?
View topic: বিবিধ সমস্যা (Miscellaneous Problem)
68 meters
11 meters
17 meters
`34 meters
Source: Dutch-Bangla Bank Ltd - Assistant Officer - 09.10.2009
Answer: 17 meters
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