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Question: The distance from district X to district Y is fifty miles. District Z is sixty miles from district Y. Which of the following could be the distance form district X to district Z? i. 110 miles, ii. 10 miles, iii. 70 miles.
Question: The distance from district X to district Y is fifty miles. District Z is sixty miles from district Y. Which of the following could be the distance form district X to district Z? i. 110 miles, ii. 10 miles, iii. 70 miles.
Question 1: The distance from district X to district Y is fifty miles. District Z is sixty miles from district Y. Which of the following could be the distance form district X to district Z? i. 110 miles, ii. 10 miles, iii. 70 miles.
View topic: বিবিধ সমস্যা (Miscellaneous Problem)
i only
ii only
ii and iii only
i, ii or iii
Source: Titas Gas Co.Ltd - Deputy Asst. Engineer - 18.02.2011
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