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Question: An employee is entitled to 20% of his basic pay as dearness Allowance (DA). If his basic pay is Tk. 6300, what is total pay.
Question: An employee is entitled to 20% of his basic pay as dearness Allowance (DA). If his basic pay is Tk. 6300, what is total pay.
Question 1: An employee is entitled to 20% of his basic pay as dearness Allowance (DA). If his basic pay is Tk. 6300, what is total pay.
View topic: বিবিধ সমস্যা (Miscellaneous Problem)
Tk. 1260
Tk. 4800
Tk. 7200
Tk. 7560
Source: Bakhrabad Gas Systems Ltd - Asst. Officer - 29.12.2006
Answer: Tk. 7560
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